Try skating for free!
Next Try Skating for Free - 11/23/2024 5-6pm
Not sure if skating lessons are for you or your skater? Try Skating for FREE! Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Free skate rentals
Free Skate Helper (aid) rentals
A hockey/figure instructor will be on the ice to aid skaters and answer questions.
Must be registered online.
A freestyle session is for figure skating practice or private lessons.
Participation requirements:
o Current member of Learn to Skate USA or US Figure Skating
o Minimum level achieved - Basic 4 or
o Are at least seven years old
One hour session fee - $18.00/classes $25.00
Monthly Unlimited Ice June through August includes twenty 1-hour freestyle sessions and five specialty training classes per week.
Monthly Unlimited Ice September through May includes twenty-four 1-hour freestyle sessions and three specialty training classes per week.
ASPIRE is a program created by U.S. Figure Skating designed to provide additional time on the ice, offer specialized on-ice & off-ice classes, and teach skaters and families what it means to be a figure skater. ASPIRE ICE is a monthly program that includes 3 hours of freestyle ice per week, a Spin/Edge Class (Tuesdays evenings), an On-Ice Variety Class (Saturday mornings) and an Off-Ice Conditioning Class (Saturday mornings).